As always you are welcome to join us whether to sing a song, play a tune, tell a story, recite a monologue, tell a joke, perform in any other way or indeed none but just be our audience, and as usual anything goes as long as it's acoustic. Yes, we have our feet firmly in the folk tradition "of these isles" as my old "friend" Mike Harding would say, but we are perfectly open to songs from other sources and even from your own pen.
The pub is under new management, so while I can guarantee the usual FREE ENTRY, warm welcome and excellent acoustics, we can only hope for the usual reasonably priced bar. There is a suggestion that a new boiler may result in a greater ambient temperature, but we shall see.
Please be there, for your own enjoyment certainly, but also to help us show the new management that we are a tradition worth hanging onto. The club has been in existence for almost fifty six years, and has been at The Bridge Inn for almost all of the last thirty!
With a bit of luck we will continue to be at The Bridge Inn every Friday (with very rare exceptions) for the foreseeable future.