Welcome to the Dragon Folk Club

Welcome to the official blog of the Dragon Folk Club, which meets for a singers night every Friday at The Bridge Inn, Shortwood, Bristol. Everyone is welcome whether you sing, play or just listen.

Thursday 28 December 2017

Last of 2017

Eurasian Wren with hatchlings
Last week's session on 22 December turned out to be the last of the year. Those present decided to allow the club to have a week off this Friday and return on 5 January 2018 to start the year.

Unfortunately we closed the year with a disappointing turn-out of three. We might have left without singing a song since four is usually considered a quorum except that Colin was expecting a newcomer to turn up but that didn't happen.

So, we carried on regardless and sang a total of twelve songs each! Derek, who had been absent for the previous week's Christmas theme, brought forward some songs on that theme and some for Boxing Day (the hunting of the wren). Cleverly he eked these out by singing one, The Cherry Tree Carol (Roud 453, Child 54) in two parts on different rounds, and splitting two songs which he usually sings together: The Wren (Roud 19109) and The Boys Of Barr Na Sráide (Sigerson Clifford).

Colin make a sterling effort to keep his Christmas theme going from the previous week, starting with The First Hard Sell (Christopher Hershey) and offering among others two from Bob Rivers: The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen (translated to "Toilet Door" for our benefit) and Chipmunks Roasting On An Open Fire.

Simon avoided all mention of Christmas (apart from repeating Gaudete, which he sang the previous week) and instead started by singing some songs he had sung once before if at all at the club: I Am A Rock (Paul Simon), Add Me (Judith Abbott, Neil Ferguson, Louise Watts, Allan Whalley), The Marvellous Toy (Tom Paxton), The Unicorn (Shel Silverstein).

With Colin quickly running out of songs we called a halt to proceedings slightly earlier than usual but with a total of 36 songs under our belts.

Remember that there is no session this week but we are back on 5 January 2018. See you then.

Here's a selection of songs sung during this session.

(Number of people present - 3, of whom 3 performed)


  1. I'm a bit confused about the title (Last of 2018). Have I missed a subtlety? Or, more likely given my senility, have I just missed a year?

    1. Well spotted; fixed now together with another inaccuracy.
