Welcome to the Dragon Folk Club

Welcome to the official blog of the Dragon Folk Club, which meets for a singers night every Friday at The Bridge Inn, Shortwood, Bristol. Everyone is welcome whether you sing, play or just listen.

Monday 27 May 2024

New face, new songs

A plover catcher on Cowbit Wash in the 1890s
It was great to have a new singer join us at last week's Dragon Folk Club session. Perhaps you could be the new face this week if you join us on Friday at The Bridge. Even if you've been before you will be very welcome.

Colin, back in the MC's chair, started us off with The times they are a changin'... not Bob Dylan's famous song, but a parody written by Garrison Keillor in honour of Dylan's 60th birthday in 2001. Colin sang it on the occasion of Dylan's 83rd birthday.

Simon, caught slightly on the hop, resorted to the unseasonable Down our street. Bob followed with Matchbox which is listed as written by Carl Perkins, but I suspect Bob was influenced more by the earlier Match Box Blues which I've linked.

We were soon joined by the newcomer of the evening, Roger, and as is customary, I will mention all of the songs which he sang, four of which are new to the Dragon database (though not necessarily new to the club) as indicated with an asterisk:

I'll just briefly mention three other songs we sang and call that it for this week's report.

First I'll mention Simon's singing of Elizabeth Padgett's The Plover Catcher for no reason other than that I have acquired a new photograph appropriate to be used in the feature spot (see above).

Next, the only song of the evening not to appear in the YouTube playlist linked from "a selection" below is Colin's singing of Fred Wedlock's Bums and boobs. This was another song new to the Dragon database.

Finally, the last song of the evening came from Simon and was Stan Rogers' Northwest Passage.

Now listen to a selection of songs sung during this session.

(Number of people present - 4 of whom 4 performed)

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